Easy Small Acts of Kindness to Make Someone’s Day

Easy Small Acts of Kindness to Make Someone’s Day

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What if you could take just a moment of your time to impact someone’s day in a positive way? Would you? Maybe you’re thinking, “Yes, I’d love to, but I don’t know what to do.” Read on for some simple ideas that are small, easy, and only take a moment.

Free Ways to Show Kindness

Did you know there are lots of ways to show kindness to others that are absolutely FREE? They’re super simple, and only take a moment. I’ve created a list below. However, I’ve divided it up into different categories depending on your mood.

Your Words

The first way you can show kindness is with your words. Your words are perhaps one of the easiest ways you can show kindness to others. Here are some ways to use them in a positive way:

  • Say “Thank you”. Thank a store employee for their work, thank a veteran for their service, or simply say thank you when someone does something nice for you. The words “thank you” are certainly not used enough in our world today.
  • Ask someone if you can help them. Some people are too shy to ask for help but definitely appreciate it if someone offers it up!
  • Give someone a compliment. It’s free and makes people feel good. Not sure what to compliment someone on? You could compliment their shoes, hair, shirt, name…the possibilities are endless.
  • Acknowledge someone with a smile and a simple hello.
  • Send someone a text to let them know you’re thinking about them.
  • Stop and think about how your words might affect others before saying them. Sometimes not saying something is the kindest thing of all!


If words aren’t your thing, there are physical ways you can show kindness to others as well. Some of those ways include:

  • Giving someone a hug. Always ask before giving someone a hug though because some people just aren’t comfortable with this.
  • Holding the door open for someone.
  • Giving up your seat for others in need.
  • Help someone who is struggling to complete a task.

Being a Friend

You don’t have to be close with someone to be a friend to them. Being a friend can include some simple gestures such as:

  • Taking time to teach someone something they need help with.
  • Truly listening to someone without judging them. Be present in the moment and what they’re saying instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next.
  • Sending someone a card to let them know you’re thinking of them and care.
  • Acknowledging people when they’re going through a hard time such as a death, a divorce, loss of a pet, etc. It might feel awkward to you, but most people who are going through a hard time really appreciate the acknowledgement.
  • If you’re the praying kind, say a prayer for them. You don’t even have to tell them if you don’t want to.
  • Have a positive attitude. People will enjoy being around you, and your attitude just might be what someone else needs to turn their day around.


If you’re able to use money to bless others, there are numerous ways to do so. Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Leave change in a vending machine.
  • Leave change at the playground for kids to find.
  • Pay for something for someone.
  • Tip your waiter or waitress extra.
  • Leave a small treat for someone. Even something as simple as a fun size candy bar can make someone’s day. (Check out Temu for fun small treats to leave someone. If you’ve never heard of Temu, you can check out my review here.)
  • Provide food for someone who hasn’t eaten.
  • Pay for coffee or a meal for someone in a drive through.

A Little Kindness Can Go a Long Way

It really doesn’t matter what kind act you choose to do. As Roy T. Bennett said, “A random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else’s life.” So what are you waiting for? Go do something kind for someone TODAY!

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