The Best Gifts to Give a Teacher

The Best Gifts to Give a Teacher

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The end of the school year is quickly approaching. Pretty soon, your social media accounts will start blowing up with reminders. And as if that isn’t stressful enough, you’ll suddenly have to decide what to do for your child’s teachers. Luckily, I’m here to help. Read on for some easy ideas from real teachers to make the end of the school year as stress free as possible.

What Gift Does My Child’s Teacher Really Want?

I took to my fellow teachers to find out the answer to this question. Here are the responses right out of the mouths of teachers themselves.

  1. A handwritten heartfelt thank you note from both you and your child. Time and time again, this ranked number one as the most meaningful gift a teacher can receive. Teachers do so much for kids on their own free time. Why not take a moment of your free time and sit down with your child to each write a note of appreciation? If you have some extra time, whip up a homemade treat that you can attach to your note of thanks. Check out this delicious blueberry coffee cake that your child’s teacher is sure to love! (Also check school policies in regards to sending in homemade treats in the times of COVID. And always make sure you check to see if your child’s teachers have any allergies.)
  2. Gift cards-Teachers spend so much of their own money on their classrooms. Teachers appreciate gift cards to online stores like Teachers Pay Teachers or Amazon. Teachers also love gifts that let them pamper themselves. So a gift card to a place they can run to for lunch, a favorite drink place, movie theater gift card, Ulta gift card, Target gift card, a nice restaurant, a massage, or a nail spa are all appreciated too. (You could be really creative and turn several gift cards into a gift card tree.)
  3. Classroom wish list items-See if your child’s teacher has a wish list posted somewhere. You may have to ask, but popular sites include Amazon and Scholastic.
  4. A personalized cup to keep drinks hot and cold because let’s face it, your child’s teacher probably needs to drink more! You can check out some great deals on cups here.
  5. Let your child’s teacher pick a place for lunch one day, then take his/her order, and deliver lunch! (I had a parent do thia, and it was my most favorite thing ever!)
  6. A season pass to a local beach or swimming place
  7. Their favorite drink and snack. If you’re not sure about your teacher’s favorite snack, then check out the scrumptious cookies over at Nunbelievable. You’ll find something to satisfy any teacher’s sweet tooth, plus you’ll be helping to feed the hungry with your purchase!
  8. Scratch off lottery tickets with a note saying “Thanks a lotto for all you do!”
  9. Personalized cookies…so cute!
  10. A family photo session with a local photographer
  11. Soft cozy blankets or handmade quilts
  12. Something to plant in the yard to remember your child. (I’ve had parents give me trees and flowering bushes. It always brings back such sweet memories every year.)
  13. School supplies
  14. A personalized cooler with snacks and drinks inside
  15. A school themed t-shirt (I still wear one that I received.)

So now that you have some ideas from teachers themselves, what are you waiting for? Take a moment to let your child’s teacher(s) know how much you appreciate their HARD work this school year!

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